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  • Vendor: pekana


$38.00 USD

Product description

Product Description

Spagyric and/or homeopathic preparations of:

Benzoicum acidum 4X
Acidum nitricum 6X
Apis mellifica 4X
Berberis vulgaris 3X
Colchicum autumnale 12X
Thlaspi bursa-pastoris MT
Coccus cacti MT
Solidago vigaurea MT

Age-related decline in kidney function.

Toxic burden on kidneys caused by a diet too high in junk fats, protein,
and calories.

Relieves lymphatic congestion during detox processes.

Releases toxic burden on matrix when excretion functions of skin are

Excretion of biologically incompatible frequencies caused by
electromagnetic pollution.


How to Use

Take in water, at least 5 minutes before or after eating.

For initial detoxification, and to support kidney excretion and lymphatic
drainage while detoxifying chronic foci:     25 to 50 drops 2 or 3 times per day.

For age-related decline in renal function, use the lowest dose that will
provide needed support.  Usually, 10 drops twice daily for early decline.  Later, if renal function declines further with advanced age, may need to increase to 25 to 50 drops twice daily. 

Duration of Use:
Use during the first 2 to 4 weeks of case management while beneficial dietary modification is being established. 

Use during the duration of any detoxification program if the mobilized toxins are placing a load on the kidneys.

Combines well with:
Itires for a more complete cleansing of the lymphatics.  Typical dose is 25 to 50 drops of each in water 2 times per day.

For initial cleanup of a patient who has been on a lousy diet and not exercising properly, may add Renelix to Itires and Apo-Hepat.  This combination of 3 remedies is the Detox Kit.  Typical dose of each is 25 to 50 drops combined in water 2 times per day.

Opsonat will increase the aggressiveness of the detoxifying effects of Renelix.  Typical dose is 5 to 25 drops of Opsonat with 25 to 50 drops of Renelix in water 2 times per day.  The larger the dose of Opsonat that is used, the more aggressive will be the detoxifying effects.

Generally Does Not Combine Well With:
Radinex.  If both remedies are indicated, we generally obtain better results by alternating their use rather than combining them.

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