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  • Barcode: 676351850795
  • Vendor: CellCore


$89.95 USD

Product description

Product Description

Carboxy is a binder that contains short- and long-chain carbons, which travel to different areas of the body to remove harmful environmental elements. That’s the key: Carboxy works systemically to promote full body detoxification, moving beyond the gut.

Carboxy contains electrolytes, humic and fulvic acid compounds, and polysaccharides, which help repair damage done to cells by toxins. It also promotes increased energy production at the cellular level. This repairative mechanism and ability to promote life is what sets Carboxy apart from traditional binders.

How To Use

Standard: Use 1 scoop (1/2 teaspoon) of Carboxy per 8 ounces of water twice daily, or as otherwise directed by a healthcare practitioner. You can work up to 2 (1 teaspoon).

Aggressive: Use 4 scoops (2 teaspoons) twice daily in 8 ounces of water

Sensitive: Use 1/16 - 1/8 teaspoon in 8 ounces of water once daily, or as otherwise directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Child Between 50 - 125 lbs: Use ½ scoop (1/16 teaspoon) in 8 ounces of water once daily, or as otherwise directed by a healthcare practitioner. If taste is too potent, then you can put the powder in food or juice.

Toddler Under 50 lbs: This product is not recommended for young children.

Carboxy has no known interactions, but it’s recommended to take Carboxy at least one hour away from any prescribed medications and any of the CellCore Para products.

Common detoxification symptoms may occur: anxiety, constipation, lightheadedness, nausea, rashes, stomach cramping, etc. If symptoms occur, you may consider lowering your dosage by half and/or consulting your healthcare practitioner.

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