Think for a minute about your favorite handyman who knows just how to fix problems in your home. He probably wears a tool belt and has a truckload of essential tools. Once he assesses what your job needs, he knows exactly what tools he needs to get the job done right. Every good carpenter carries multiple tools, but his training is what enables him to do the job right. In a similar way, to be effective and even exceptional in caring for our own health, we not only need the right “tools” on hand, but we also need to educate ourselves on how to use them effectively, especially if we know our health has been compromised.
A “first line of defense” tool everyone should have in his or her home is a nebulizer. If you don't have one, get one. You won’t regret it, especially if you are prone to respiratory illnesses. The units are small and easy to operate. One can even find hand held units if portability is a big issue. (Compressor type nebulizers are recommended.) Dr. Matalone’s staff can help you become comfortable in using your nebulizer if you have never used one before.
Nebulizing is a very powerful and inexpensive home treatment which targets your entire respiratory system while also entering the bloodstream through the rich network of blood vessels in the lungs. When a nebulizer mask is used, the medicinal or antimicrobial product that is being nebulized will first treat the nasal passages, sinuses, throat, bronchial tract and lungs, then it will become a systemic treatment by entering the bloodstream. Basically, it allows you to kill two birds with one very effective stone. Nebulizing is highly effective and most commonly used for colds, flu, sinusitis, bronchitis, sore throat, strep throat, COPD, pneumonia, any viral or bacterial respiratory infection, and for fighting fungus in the respiratory tract. According to Dr. Sircus, other health issues such as chemical exposure, cancer, and tuberculosis can also be treated with specific nebulizing protocols. Any respiratory illness symptoms can be improved through nebulization. Adults, children, and even babies can use them.
Dr. Frank Shallenberger states, “A nebulizer is able to convert a liquid into tiny bubbles that are so tiny that they can only be seen under a microscope. When these bubbles come out of the nebulizer, they are so small that they look just like smoke. And that’s the magic of a nebulizer. The bubbles are so small that they can be inhaled deep down into the deepest regions of the lungs without any discomfort or irritation.”
Viruses and bacteria that enter our bodies through our nasal passages and throat often hang out there for a bit to incubate, long enough to cause us to become symptomatic. Herein lies one of the beauties of nebulizing. If we have reason to believe we have been exposed to a respiratory illness, we can quickly respond by nebulizing which basically sterilizes our nasal passages, sinuses, and throat so that no germs can proliferate. Two respiratory therapists recently reported that they nebulize iodine at the end of each day to avoid coming down with any illness they may have treated during their shift at work. They both reported they have not been sick in years.
Dr. Sircus has written extensively on nebulizing and he states, “With the use of this localized delivery system, effective antimicrobials can have a direct effect on surface organisms in the bronchial system. “ He goes on to state additional benefits of nebulization.
- Nebulization thins secretions and mucous making it easier to expel pulmonary secretions.
- Nebulization makes coughing easier while lessening the need to cough.
- Nebulization keeps your windpipe and trachea lining and stoma moist and healthy.
- Nebulizing moistens the air that goes into your lungs.
- Nebulizing hydrates and moisturizes your nasal passages, mouth and throat.
The following information contains recommendations for options using home nebulization. All you need is:
- A nebulizer
- A mask for optimal respiratory benefit. One mask per person in your family is recommended. (adult and children’s masks are available)
- The right product for what you wish to accomplish with your nebulization.
- Normal saline
One treatment can take anywhere from 10-25 minutes.
Using hydrosol silver or colloidal silver is easy with a nebulizer. Your nebulizer has a cup attached to the tubing leading to the machine. Fill the cup with silver (about 3-4 cc), place the mask over your mouth and nose, and turn on your nebulizer. As the cup empties and less smoke appears, tap the side or gently shake to make sure all the silver is used. Silver is known to be antimicrobial, able to kill both viruses and bacteria. It is a good basic option for any respiratory symptoms, it is easy to keep on hand, and it is used full strength. It is safe to nebulize silver multiple times throughout the day if you are already symptomatic. Some have even performed a treatment every hour throughout the first day or two of illness.
Iodine has been known for years to be extremely powerful and effective at killing viruses and bacteria. It is safe to nebulize in very small amounts. You can nebulize a nascent iodine such as Detoxidine by Global Healing Center or J. Crow’s Lugol’s 5% Iodine. (There are other brands available of both nascent iodine and Lugol’s.) Some report to only use nascent iodine since it only contains iodine. Lugol’s contains both iodine and potassium iodide, and some clinicians have expressed concern over the potassium iodide. That being said, we know people who have used Lugol’s and never had any problems. Any iodine must be used in very small amounts and must be mixed with NORMAL SALINE which can be found at a pharmacy, Walmart, Amazon, and some home health care stores. Normal saline is a sterile saltwater concentration similar to what is inside our bodies. DO NOT USE WATER OR DISTILLED WATER. Also do NOT buy normal saline that has any other additives such as a contact lens solution.
If you choose to use nascent iodine, pour approximately 3 cc of normal saline into the nebulizer cup. For initial nebulization, add 1-3 drops of nascent iodine to the cup and swirl it around to mix the solution. If you feel you can go with a stronger solution the next time, add additional drops of nascent iodine, but do not exceed 10 drops. Toward the end of your treatment, tap the cup or gently shake to make sure you have nebulized all the solution.
If you choose to try Lugol’s 5% Iodine, only use 1-2 drops mixed with 3 cc of normal saline since it is a stronger solution.
It is best to only nebulize iodine 2-3 times a day as it can dry out your throat according to Dr. David Brownstein. Iodine can produce dramatic results in a short amount of time.
It is safe to alternate treatments of iodine and pharmaceutical-grade Hydrogen Peroxide throughout the day.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (Pharmaceutical-grade)
A pharmaceutical-grade Hydrogen Peroxide mineral solution can be obtained through Dr. Matalone’s office. According to many holistic doctors, including Dr. Matalone, it is a very successful treatment for relieving symptoms of cold, flu, sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and acute and non-viral lung and respiratory system diseases. Dr. Matalone's solution includes magnesium which helps to relax the bronchial airways.
General recommendations are to nebulize 3 cc of Hydrogen Peroxide solution 4-6 times per day; however it can be used hourly if one is very ill, making sure not to exceed the dosage of 3cc for each treatment. Complete instructions from Dr. Matalone’s office will be included with the IV bag solution along with a syringe. The solution must be kept refrigerated and protected from light.
Dr. Frank Shallenberger has often recounted that when his wife came down with the flu some years ago, he had her nebulize Hydrogen Peroxide every hour. Her flu symptoms were completely resolved after 72 hours.
The benefits of nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide may be even more significant since it is both an antimicrobial treatment and a systemic oxidative therapy as it passes through the lungs and into the blood vessels. Systemic oxidative therapies bring a cascade of benefits to a body fighting infection. The Riordan Clinic believes “nebulized peroxide is an effective route of getting oxygen utilizing catalyst into the body via the rich network of blood vessels in the lungs.” Hydrogen Peroxide is known to:
- Oxidize pathogenic micro-organisms and toxins.
- Cause red blood cells to increase oxygen release into tissues for improved cellular energy production.
- Improve immune system function.
Because of these systemic oxidative factors as well as the direct impact nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide has on the sinuses, throat, bronchial tract, and lungs, some practitioners believe nebulizing is as good or better than receiving a Hydrogen Peroxide IV for respiratory illnesses.
If you are not able to access Dr. Matalone’s office to get an IV bag of pharmaceutical-grade Hydrogen Peroxide and mineral solution in a timely manner, there is an option available for making your own solution. This solution will not carry quite as many benefits, but will work in a pinch. PLEASE READ THE FORMULATION CAREFULLY AS TOO STRONG OF A SOLUTION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH.
Obtain a bottle of FOOD GRADE 3% (NOT 35%) Hydrogen Peroxide from your local health food store or from Amazon. Do NOT use regular Hydrogen Peroxide as it contains impurities that you should not breathe into your lungs.
Draw up 3 cc of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and mix with 200-250 ccs of normal saline. DO NOT MIX WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN NORMAL SALINE. If you do not have a syringe to measure, then ½ teaspoon of 3% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with 1 cup of normal saline will get you a close enough mixture.
From this final mixture, draw up 3 cc of solution and place in the nebulizer cup. The usual recommendation of 4-6 times a day should be sufficient, although if you are very ill you may use it more often. Only nebulize 3 cc each treatment. Store the extra solution in a dark bottle in the refrigerator. It should last a day or two. It will not be as effective as the Hydrogen Peroxide solution provided by Dr. Matalone’s office nor will it last as long, but it will work if you are unable to get it from his office.
Side Note: Diluted Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can also be used in both vaporizers and humidifiers using a 1 part 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to 5 parts water solution according to Dr. Robert Rowen.
One last easy option to nebulize is Briotech’s HOCl. HOCl has multiple usages and applications as it attacks all germ types—bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and yeast. Our own white blood cells manufacture HOCl constantly and use it to degrade any and all pathogens while also launching a cascade of positive healing effects within the body. In recent years, Briotech discovered a way to make this substance in a pure, stable form mimicking what the body produces. Briotech’s HOCl Topical Skin Spray is safe to nebulize without any dilution, promoting the healing of sinus infections as well as other respiratory infections. If one finds it is too strong, Briotech’s other HOCl formulation, called SOS, might be more tolerable. HOCl is a great option for any respiratory virus, bacteria or fungal infection. HOCl has many other usages, too, which was discussed in our previous blog.
Glutathione, our body’s major antioxidant, can also be nebulized straight into the lungs, and is a great option for chronic lung diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and lung cancer. In some instances it has even helped with fluid in the lungs.
Information from Lemmo Integrated Cancer Care in Canada states that normally the respiratory tract and nasal cavities contain a high amount of glutathione. However, when conditions of inflammation or irritation such as emphysema and nasal congestion are present, glutathione levels may be greatly reduced. “It has been determined in research papers that the oral use of glutathione increases glutathione in the blood. However, pills and other oral routes cannot effectively increase glutathione levels in the lungs. In fact, even intravenous injections of glutathione cannot provide the same effect as the inhaled route. The aerosol application of glutathione provides direct and localized concentrations of glutathione in the lungs and respiratory pathway. “
While glutathione can be very effective with treating asthma, a study published in the ATS Journals has found that glutathione in mildly asthmatic people may cause bronchospasms due to sulfite formation. It is advisable to start with a low dosage and be under the supervision of a physician when initially trying nebulized glutathione for asthma. Dr. Matalone’s office can offer assistance with this.
Glutathione can be obtained by prescription through a compounding pharmacy. An easier and less expensive option is to use a product called Reduced L-Glutathione by THERAnaturals. Instructions on the bottle are to break open one capsule into 1-2 milliliters of distilled water or normal saline (about ½ teaspoon). It will dissolve within seconds. Pour into the cup and nebulize. The suggested use is 3-4 capsules per day.
When recommending Reduced L-Glutathione for asthma patients, Dr. Sircus advises his patients to start with ½ capsule of glutathione in 10 milliliters of distilled water to check for any reaction. He recommends building up to a maximum dosage not to exceed 2 capsules 2-3 times per day. Dosage actually depends on how an individual tolerates nebulizing glutathione.
Armed with these simple treatments to use at home, it is easy to see why nebulizing is considered a first line of defense with any respiratory exposure and/or symptom. Best results are generally achieved when one can begin nebulizing at the first sign of illness and consistently repeat treatments until after symptoms subside. The first four options above are antimicrobial and work well for most people. Glutathione is an especially good option for chronic lung disease. Like the good carpenter who knows which tool to use, you now know good products to nebulize for different respiratory illnesses. The results of nebulizing should be that your body is strengthened to fight, and any respiratory symptoms should be greatly reduced in a timely manner.
Again, Dr. Matalone’s office has nebulizers, masks, and Hydrogen Peroxide IV bags for purchase. His store sells his favorite brand of Hydrosol Silver and HOCl. There are links below to other products mentioned in this article.
Crow Lugol’s 5% Iodine
Reduced L-Glutathione Plus by THERAnaturals
Food Grade 3% Hydrogen Peroxide